The Good Tide Glossary

Listen… We know that the language surrounding cannabis products is, quite frankly, confusing as hell. We’ve got your back. 

We’ve put together a list of our most commonly used phrases and descriptors to help clear things up. 

Cannabinoids: Compounds found in cannabis plants that interact with the endocannabinoid system.

Full Spectrum: Extracts that maintain the full profile of the cannabis plant - commonly called whole plant extracts.

Hash: A solventless cannabis extract made when trichomes are removed and processed into a concentrated form.

Hash Rosin: The extraction of the extraction – using pressure, temperature, and filter bags to make hash of great purity.

Rosin: Cannabis extract made without solvents – sometimes referred to as solventless hash oil (SHO).

Solventless: Extracted without the use of chemical solvents like ethanol, propane, or butane.

Solventless Hash Rosin: A full spectrum cannabis oil that preserves naturally occurring terpenes and minor cannabinoids.

Terpenes: Naturally-occurring compounds found in the trichomes of female cannabis plants responsible for the aroma characteristics of cannabis.

Trichomes: Determine the flavor, taste, and effects of a cannabis strain.

Taylor Wood